I'm sitting on a comfy couch feeling the warmth of the sun on my face as it streams through the window. There is just something about the heat of the sun that makes life easier for me. It is a tonic that seems to bring all of the good into my mind's eye and helps me to release whatever needs gone.
I like to close my eyes and face directly into it, everything in my inner vision turning an orange glow. Inhale. Exhale. Scan the body. Inhale, relax the face. Exhale, let tension flow out on the breath. After a few rounds of this it is remarkable how at ease the body becomes.
Learning to recognize tension or resistance is the first step toward releasing it. Resistance shows up in lots of ways ~ tight muscles, occupied mind, a rib cage that feels congested, a general feeling of holding on. All of these are indicators that Prana is not flowing freely. When prana doesn't flow we get stuck in patterns that do not serve our highest good. This is part of the reason that yoga is so freeing to the mind ~ it moves the energy around, we scan the body, increasing our awareness while enjoying deep expansive inhales and exhales.
Cosmically, much is happening in our Universe. As above, so below. Whether we acknowledge it, there is drama playing out in the energies that surround us. Daily, people are waking up with revelations and questions about how they have been living their lives. No doubt this is a process that takes time and practice to learn to navigate. The more we can learn to purposefully release, the gentler this ride will be.
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