I've had a series of small epiphanies lately. Just tiny ones. Little blips that I feel in my chest but can't quite find the words for, or if I do they seem wanting in their ability to convey this new heart knowledge. Just a few minutes ago my friend, Karen (who, btw, is worthy of a follow) wrote this as her status update:
The sacred Truth within me honors the divine privilege of what Is, what was and what will Be.
Initially, I read this as the 'scared' truth rather than the sacred. And then I smiled because aren't most sacred things a little scary, at least in the beginning? Especially when they involved us living out our truth or searching for what we think is truth? Perhaps this is the alchemy of the heart, to take the scary things, the monsters under the bed, the opportunities life brings our way, the people who are converging and diverging along our path, the change that is life's growing and dying and unfolding, and allow all of these things to be sacred.
I want the challenge and the joy of my life, to be in a space of sacred respect for all it's glorious aspects. My heart knows what it feels like to be open. When I get too much into the vibration of scared, then the opening comes with a quiver, reminding me to come to a standstill while I let the door swing all the way open. Even tiny blips echo across the valley, being heard and felt with transformative power.
<3 Angela