Friday, October 26, 2012


Whatever the 'thing' is, you have to make peace with it.

Peace is not a truce.  Peace has no room for anger or resentment.  This is why peace isn't easy, why sometimes we have to come to the end of ourselves, wear ourselves out with resistance to the 'thing' until there is nothing left, not even resistance.  When every effort fails us, every turn thwarts our progression, anger has cresendo'd and can no longer be sustained...  Fatigue takes its place.  Change seems absolutely beyond the realm of possibility.  We break down.  We give up.  We stop caring and say to God, FINE, DO IT HOWEVER YOU WANT.

In that exact moment, you make peace.  The door swings open.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

After a year long hiatus from work, which included more yoga hours than I can count and a bit of world travel, I'm back in the grind.

And oh how gritty I am finding it.  I'm tired.  Physically, emotionally and soul-suckingly tired.

Grace, where art thou?  For I need you every hour.